

Today is 11th,November.Our CEO,David Wang,with some other members of our company,went to the countryside to research the argricuture of the local place.

First station is Qihe station,which located in the west of our city and  is near with our province capital,Jinan city.And its agriculture is very famous.
Qihe County is the traditional animal husbandry county, located in the "Shandong Province Livestock Promotion Plan (2010-2015)" to determine ecological pig production areas, breeding areas along the highway cow health, cattle sheep along the Yellow River and other advantages of high quality and efficient industrial zone areas. 2011, 2012 was identified as the pig out large county Ministry of Finance. 2012 in the province's first results by experts awarded the "quality and safety of the province's livestock demonstration counties," the title, was awarded "the province's pollution-free animal certification of advanced unit" honorary title Provincial Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Bureau.

On the one hand this research is to understand the local market, on the other hand also to cooperate with the local authorities.I hope this trip can be harvested.

